
CANCELED 12 February 2014 #594 ChrisPastel 200$ 4
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J'aime son attitude !

Submitted by MHAMHA on Sat, 02/22/2014 - 11:32.

J'aime son attitude ! J'espère que tu conserveras cette douceur qui transparait à première vue ! J'attends de voir le résultat car je suis entrée dans le projet ! Biz Monic

looking forward to the

Submitted by Angelica_S on Fri, 02/21/2014 - 17:49.

looking forward to the finished project

it is quite that, I want to

Submitted by ChrisPastel on Fri, 02/14/2014 - 21:37.

it is quite that, I want to show someone who does not care about others, and is totally sure of herself, I plan to add him down a schoolboy, earrings, a hat st patrick other things, she is blonde, yet, I hope you enjoy this project, thank you

The image is still very

Submitted by LiTrogen on Fri, 02/14/2014 - 20:14.

The image is still very simple but I like her attitude! She seems to be confident and a little cocky, not caring about what other's may think of her. If that is what you plan then I'm totally yours!

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