Love to finally see some color added. Is that how her face is going to look though? She looks like she's mad or something. Those arched eyebrows are just too harsh.
I love the soft colour palette. Will she have different eye colour layers? I'd love to see blue, violet, brown, silver and gold. I've already chipped in and may add more as I see more details added. She's gorgeous!
You have your requested
You have your requested amount. I always chip in more, for my request being fulfilled. Thank you very much for the especially lovely girl.
I love the progress/update of
I love the progress/update of Aphrodite, she is as the description describes her, "beautiful, proud and sexy".
Love to finally see some
Love to finally see some color added. Is that how her face is going to look though? She looks like she's mad or something. Those arched eyebrows are just too harsh.
I love the soft colour
I love the soft colour palette. Will she have different eye colour layers? I'd love to see blue, violet, brown, silver and gold. I've already chipped in and may add more as I see more details added. She's gorgeous!
What hair colors will she
What hair colors will she have? I'm hoping for at least red, black, blonde layers please. Thank you. She's beautiful!:)
Since Aphrodite was born of
Since Aphrodite was born of the ocean, I would love to see a layer done in blues as well.
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