Gypsy Girl

COMPLETED 12 May 2013 #447 Alex_Prihodko 250$ 51

COMPLETED 9 September 2012 #355 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 5

Lady X

COMPLETED 21 August 2012 #339 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 12

COMPLETED 19 July 2012 #327 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 15

COMPLETED 16 June 2012 #312 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 12

Here is another girl I drew for you. Will be glad to hear your comments and make some of your dreams come true.

COMPLETED 5 June 2012 #306 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 19

Alex Prihodko

This girl is a socialite that always has a new outfit to show off. I am planning to make her in colors black and pink, with black hair and blue eyes. Your ideas are always welcome. 
COMPLETED 12 April 2012 #275 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 16

Sexy and delicious - can be yours if you care to support her successful career on prepaid Projects

COMPLETED 4 March 2012 #248 Alex_Prihodko 235$ 20