Hello! I continue working on summer inspired series.
Consider check out my other projects of the series
"Summer mood", "Summer ride".
Do you have more ideas for this series?

COMPLETED 18 June 2023 #1690 odi.arty 100$ 0

Hello! One more summer inspired illustration. I have different flowers in mind. What other element should I add? Character and a bicycle will be on separate layers. Should I leave character close up or draw her with full body and a whole bicycle?

COMPLETED 14 June 2023 #1688 odi.arty 100$ 2

Hello! Here my first prepaid project is. I gonna paint a dress, a hat and a shoe in multiple colours on separate layers. Let me know if you want to add more objects like jewelry, different flowers or an animal. I hope you will enjoy!

COMPLETED 6 June 2023 #1682 odi.arty 60$ 0